PAD is a term used to classify all non-coronary arterial diseases. It is a buildup of plaque in the walls of the arteries, which reduces or blocks the flow of blood to your limbs, often causing fatigue, pain, discoloration and slow-healing wounds in the legs and feet.
One in every 20 Americans over the age of 50 have PAD, and most don’t realize it.
If any of these apply to you, give us a call at 214.345.4160 or click here to schedule a PAD screening.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 505 (Building 1) Dallas, TX 75231
4221 Ridgecrest Road Suite 101 Greenville, TX 75402
1001 N Waldrop Drive Suite 811 Arlington, TX 76012
The information contained in this website is neither intended to dictate what constitutes reasonable, appropriate or best care for any given health issue, nor is it intended to be used as a substitute for the independent judgment of a physician for any given health issue. Patient results will vary based on risk factors, age, disease and medical history. Please seek physician's advice. Like any procedure, it may come with benefits, risks or side effects associated.
Click here for additional information.